Payment of the tuition
We offer 2 options for paying the tuition:
- You can pay the tuition in one lump sum: pay in cash or by bank account
- You can pay according to the instalment plan: pay in 4 installments spread out over the course year (*)
(*) This option involves extra costs and is only possible for students who are permanent resident of the Netherlands. DJAM reserves the right to ask for a confirmation of this information (either a recent bank-statement or a copy of your Town Hall registration).
Students who continue their studies in the next course year will be eligible for a discount on their school fee. Please note: the discount does not apply to students who only took DJAM main subject lessons. People who register shortly before or after must pay tuition within 14 days. Those who register after the course year has started and choose to pay in instalments will have to make individual agreements with DJAM.
The DJAM bank account number is:
ING Bank, DJAM, Amsterdam
IBAN no: NL64INGB0006131984
Swift/BIC code: INGBNL2A