Start course year/duration of studies
The course year 2025/2026 starts on Sunday 21 September 2025--the day you can pick up your scedules. The first week of lessons starts at Sunday 28 September. The course year runs until mid-June 2026. This period includes 30 weeks of lessons in which several vacations are scheduled. The Christmas vacation is 2 weeks. The duration of study at DJAM takes at least one full school year. Enrollment may be renewed annually as desired.
Scheduling/time preferences
We try to take each person's preferences into consideration when drawing up the schedules. We therefore ask you to indicate your preferences clearly on the registration form.
Indicate which options you prefer:
a) no preferences
b) three out of the four school days on which you are available
(the school days are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday)
c) weekend and/or the evening classes during the week
(for those who have full&endash;time commitments in addition to their studies)
School hours
The DJAM classes are on Sunday and Monday from approx. 11 AM to 10.30 PM (all classes incl. theory and combo) and on Tuesday and Wednesday in the evening hours (only combo). It is often possible and practical to take all (group)lessons in one day. Probably the most effective way of studying is to schedule the lessons over 2 days to fully absorb the material.
For those who are not able to attend classes during the day or who live out of town we offer two options (or a combination of the two):
1. attend all lessons in the weekend (on Sundays)
Please keep in mind that not all levels can be given in the weekend. There will be combo, theory classes level 1 and 2 and APM. Other level classes could be available depending on the number of students and their time preferences.
2. attend certain lessons on weekday evenings
This option is available only for students who have full daytime commitments during the week.These lessons will be given between 6 PM and 10.30 PM.